Prioritizing Rest During the Holidays
Do you get tired just thinking about the holidays? Maybe you are overwhelmed by all the cooking, cleaning, and family time. Or, maybe you’re worried about staying within your financial budget this holiday season?
The holidays are supposed to be a time for joy and excitement. Time spent with those you love, doing things you all enjoy. But, so often the preparations leave you tired, frustrated, and burnt out before the holiday begins.
What about rest? Do you feel well rested after the holidays?
The answer to that question is probably, no. Here are a few things to keep in mind to help you prioritize rest this season.
Quality over quantity
It is far too easy to feel obligated to attend every event you and your family are invited to. You want to spend time with those you love, right? Overbooking your social calendar can lead to burnout, fatigue, and irritability. You can go to multiple events and never feel like you spent quality time with those there. To avoid this, think of time with others in terms of quality instead of quantity. Prioritize events that create lasting, enjoyable memories and avoid the events that don’t.
Say no, guilt free
Do you find yourself saying “yes” more than you say “no” during the holidays? There might even be a time or two that you agree to something and regret it later. Say “no” to things that lead to exhaustion, frustration, or conflict. If someone asks you to do something, give yourself some time to think it through. Will it bring you joy? Will it foster connection? Will it lead to quality time with others? If not, then maybe this is something you don’t partake in. Here is your permission to say “no” this holiday season, guilt free!
Plan ahead
Often, the holiday season creeps up very quickly! This can lead to feelings of hurry, anxiety, and frustration. Planning ahead of time and intentionally setting aside “down time” can help decrease these uncomfortable emotions. Are there meals you fix every year? Go ahead and get those items from to grocery store in advance, to decrease the number of late-night grocery runs. Do you find yourself coming home from events later than you wanted? Have a game plan for you and your family before leaving the house. Maybe create a “signal” that you can give the others when it is time to leave, a wink, tap on the shoulder, or maybe a specific phrase. Making a plan in advance eases anxiety and decreases conflict, creating a much more enjoyable experience for everyone!
By prioritizing quality over quantity, saying “no,” and planning ahead you can hopefully head into the New Year feeling rested and refreshed.