Evaluations for Children, Adolescents, and Adults

Licensed Psychologists and Psychological Associates at Carolina Psychological Associates are able to provide evaluation services to families and adults.  Evaluations allow for a deeper understanding of why children, adolescents and adults may be facing learning and occupational difficulties at school and work.  Evaluations can also provide a deeper understanding of behavioral, social, and emotional functioning across the lifespan.  This knowledge can help inform and guide treatment and provide access to various supports in the school and community settings.  Clinicians at Carolina Psychological Associates take the time to determine strengths, weaknesses, and needs while considering each person when making recommendations.  A thorough report is provided at the end of each evaluation and may be shared with schools, primary care doctors, and other professionals at your request.  Carolina Psychological Associates does not perform custody and access evaluations, court-ordered evaluations, fitness of duty evaluations, or forensic evaluations.  Evaluations that can be completed with children, adolescents, and adults include:

  • Aptitude Testing to determine intellectual strengths and weaknesses. This can also be used to help determine the presence of giftedness and intellectual disabilities.
  • Academic Achievement Testing examines reading, written language, and mathematics skills. This can be used to help identify academic giftedness and specific learning differences.
  • Learning Disability Evaluations examine both cognitive and academic achievement skills and allows for determination of specific learning disorders, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. This evaluation provides recommendations for identification, accommodations and modifications in the school setting when deemed appropriate.
  • ADHD Evaluations determine the possible presence of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
  • Psycho-educational Evaluations include IQ, academic achievement, attention, and other behavioral and mental health concerns.
  • Neuropsychological Evaluations can further examine more complex neurological conditions in children, adolescents, and adults. Our neuropsychologists have specialties in the areas of TBI/concussions, epilepsy, unexplained memory loss, fetal alcohol spectrum, development (e.g., intellectual, Fragile X), Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, pre-surgical evaluations for Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy, and complex neurological diagnostic clarification.
  • Readiness for Kindergarten Evaluations determine if a preschool child meets criteria for early entry into Kindergarten.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluations determine if a child, adolescent, or adult meets diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Psychological Evaluations can further examine more complex behavioral, mental health, and personality issues through more intensive and specific measures in children, adolescents, and adults.